Burleigh Massage Services
Aged care is a very broad, wide-ranging subject. Often, people think about aged care as simply looking after the elderly’s daily needs, but it’s much more than that. It’s all about helping the elderly maintain a high quality of life, and movement is a big part of that. With better movement and mobility, elderly people can experience more independence and lead a more active lifestyle.
As Burleigh massage specialists, we know the importance of massage for elderly patients. The benefits are significant, along with many other forms of physiotherapy. Today though, we’re going to focus on massage as a way to help elderly patients maintain mobility for longer and live without pain.
What is massage therapy?
Massage therapy is an effective form of soft tissue therapy used for a whole range of conditions. In basic terms, massage therapy involves holding, moving, and applying pressure to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. The benefits are profound, and extremely wide-reaching.
People use massage therapy as a regular means of treating muscle soreness. It’s also useful in promoting good mobility and flexibility while avoiding injuries. In fact, most physiotherapy rehabilitation plans will include massage as part of the treatment.
There are several different types of massage, such as sports, remedial and deep tissue. Your physiotherapist will recommend the right style for you. In the case of promoting elderly mobility, massage should only be performed by professionals who are skilled in aged care massage.
Conditions that require elderly massage
As we age, its natural that things don’t work quite as well as they used to. But that doesn’t mean you need to confine yourself to a life free of movement and independence. It’s a natural occurrence for joints and muscles to degrade over time, but regular massage can help delay the process.
There are several age-related conditions that start appearing as we get older, such as:
- Stiff and sore joints
- Tight or weak muscles
- Atrophy and frailty
- Decreased mobility
- Oedema and lymphodema
Many of these conditions can be treated with elderly massage. And while your physiotherapist can’t give you back the joints and muscles of a 20-year-old, they can certainly help to improve your movement. Ultimately, this means you can be more active for longer, and have a better quality of life with less pain.
The benefits of massage
Elderly people can benefit from massage much in the same way that anybody else can. Whether you’re recovering from surgery or suffering from chronic muscle pain, massage is a great treatment option. The concepts behind using massage as a treatment are the same no matter your age, however elderly massage requires specific knowledge about how the body works differently as we age. This is why you should only trust an expert physiotherapist for Burleigh massage services.
Here are some of the many ways elderly people can benefit from massage.
Increased mobility
As the body ages, joints tend to stiffen, muscles don’t cooperate the way we want them to, and movement becomes more difficult. In some instances, movement can be painful. In others, you may not experience pain but your range of motion is still limited.
As we know, mobility and flexibility are important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you’re unable to walk or move around without pain, you’re less likely to get the exercise you need to stay healthy. This can lead to a range of circulatory system problems and other medical conditions. Massage helps reduce muscle tension and increase your range of movement.
Improved circulation
Massage has long been known to improve circulation. This is especially true around problem areas, such as surgery or injury sites. All types of massage improve blood circulation which is great for injury recovery. With increased blood flow around injury sites, there’s more oxygen going to the area which is crucial for recovery.
As we get older, circulation becomes even more important, especially when recovering from injuries or surgery. With massage being so effective in improving circulation, elderly patients can benefit greatly. Better circulation is also great for pain relief, so it’s a win-win.
Instant pain relief
Aches and pains are fairly common as we age, but some muscle soreness is worse than others. Many elderly patients suffer from chronic pain in their back or around joints. This limits movement and prevents them from doing things we take for granted when we’re younger. As we mentioned before, pain can stop people from living an active lifestyle which often results in other medical complications.
Massage is so effective for pain relief because the benefits are instant but also long-lasting. Specific areas of soreness can be targeted for instant pain relief, which not only makes you more comfortable but allows you to do more. In addition, regular massage keeps pain levels low because of the increased circulation and reduction in muscle stiffness. Overall, pain relief is one of the most important benefits of massage therapy for seniors.
Improved mental health
There’s an increased focus on mental health and well-being these days, and the elderly certainly aren’t immune. Unlike other stages of life, elderly patients aren’t always able to do the things suggested to younger people to combat mental health issues. Exercise is more difficult, for one thing. However, massage can give elderly patients the mobility and flexibility to be more active. This has an almost instant effect on their mental health.
In addition, living with pain is a huge contributor to mental health issues. So, it stands to reason that massage therapy can reduce pain and therefore increase the sense of well-being in older patients.
Who performs massage therapy for the elderly?
Physiotherapists with experience in elderly massage are the best people to consult with. With older bodies, it’s important that massage therapists take care and consideration. While massage is considered a generally safe practice, there are undoubtedly risks associated with working on elderly patients. So, if you’re looking for Burleigh massage services for the elderly, ensure you make an appointment with a trusted professional.